Faculty Members
Academic Courses
Welcome to the Department of Mathematics IIT Roorkee. The department has a strong and dedicated team of faculty members having expertise in various areas of pure and applied Mathematics, Statistics, and Operations Research. The department has around 100 Ph.D. scholars, including many of them admitted through the funding of various sponsored research projects. Besides this, our department hosts several postdoctoral fellows. We hope that whether you are a prospective student, a visitor, or a potential faculty candidate, this website will be informative.
News & Announcements
SERB sponsored Workshop on Differential Equations
List of candidates selected for interview: PhD admission November 2024
Interview List
Teacher Enrichment Workshop on Linear Algebra and Matrix Groups at IIT Roorkee (02-07 December 2024)
The Teacher Enrichment Workshop is an outreach activity of the National Centre for Mathematics, which is beneficial for the teachers at college level. This workshop aims at highlighting connections between Linear Algebra and linear groups. Mathematics teachers from the colleges in the vicinity of Roorkee, Delhi will be introduced with some interesting aspects of Linear Algebra and linear groups.
Indo-French Workshop on Innovative numerical methods for modern engineering problems 06-10 January, 2025
The workshop will focus on three broad topics, all related to applied mathematics and numerical analysis. a) Devising and analyzing numerical methods supporting polyhedral grids.. Important advances have been accomplished over the last decade in the devising and analysis of polyhedral discretization methods. Salient examples include Virtual Element Methods (VEMs), discontinuous Galerkin (dG) methods, and Hybrid High-Order (HHO) methods. In this workshop, lectures will present the mathematical foundations of some of the above polyhedral discretization methods.
List of shortlisted candidates for appearing in a written examination-PhD admission Spring 2024-25
List of shortlisted candidates for appearing in a written examination-PhD admission Spring 2024-25
The Department of Mathematics attained its present status of an independent department in 1960. Growing steadily, the department runs its own Undergraduate and Postgraduate programs in Mathematics. The department also offers Ph.D. degrees in various areas of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Operations Research and Statistics. Department has collaborations with different National and International Organizations in various fields of Mathematics. Besides the central Computing facilities of the Institute, the department has a state-of-the-art computer laboratory. At present, the faculty strength of the department is 27. The Faculty members publish high-quality research publications and are also involved in sponsored and consultancy research.
Courses Offered by the Department:
Five Years BS-MS Program in Mathematics and Computing (Admission through JEE Advanced)
Two Years M.Sc. Program in Mathematics (Admission through JAM)
Ph.D. Program (Admission offers in each semester)
Key Research Areas in Pure Mathematics
Approximation theory, Algebraic Topology, Functional analysis, Coding theory, Number theory, Orthogonal polynomials and special functions, Operator theory, Analysis of Partial Differential Equations.
Key Research Areas in Applied Mathematics
Dynamical Systems and Asymptoic Analysis, Stochastic Partial Differential Equations, Large-scale scientific computing, Inverse problems and regularization theory, Numerical solutions of ODE and PDE, Computational fluid dynamics, Control theory and optimal control, Image processing, Machine learning, Quantum information processing, Financial mathematics, Mathematical modeling, Stochastic processes, Robotics.
Key Research Areas in Operations Research and Statistics
Nonlinear optimization, Nature inspired optimization algorithms, Fuzzy, Mathematical programming, Reliability and Queuing theory, Computerized tomography, Data envelopment analysis, Estimation theory, Probabilistic boolean functions.
100+ Publications Each year
38 ongoing Research Projects